About Boston Game Jams

by Darren Torpey on April 17th, 2010

Hi, I’m Darren Torpey and I run Boston Game Jams. Boston Game Jams represents an ongoing series of ad-hoc game jams held in the Boston area. It is not a formal organization of any kind, but rather it’s more of a grassroots community that is growing out of a shared desire to learn and create games together in an open, fun, and highly collaborative environment.

What’s a game jam?

Game jams are one-weekend game-creation challenges. Learn all about game jams on our Game Jams page.


We have no long-term sponsors, but we have had sponsors for specific events in the past, and a few organizations have been most gracious in offering us their space to hold the jams.

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jason March 15, 2012 at 2:31 PM

I’m making my way through the akihabara library and was curious about two things:

1. do you have a reference for the definition of each property utilized in the akihabara objects? For example, in the dynaList object, would be good to know what ‘first, last, data, dl, and gar’ refer to and how they are used.

2. what is the purpose of dynaList? I don’t see any description it in the comments or in the documentation.



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