Immigration Jam

by Darren Torpey on July 21st, 2010

Immigration Jam was held on August 21st and 22nd, 2010 at the Singapore/MIT GAMBIT Game Lab and hosted by Alex Schwartz and Darren Torpey.


The Games!

We had more than thirty participants and made five games:

All The Pedestrians are Crossing

«coming soon»

Cultural Exchange

«coming soon»


The game

The team

Tools used


«coming soon»


The game

«coming soon»

Smuggle Truck: Operation Immigration

The team

Tools used


Try to get as many immigrants safely across the Mexican/US border by navigating your truck across the hazardous terrain.

The game

Alex and Yilmaz have formed their own games company and intend to release a fully fleshed-out version of Smuggle Truck as their first game. To learn more about Smuggle Truck, visit the Owlchemy Labs website or follow their progress on the Owlchemy Labs Facebook page.


Here’s a trailer of the game as it stood at the end of the Immigration Jam:

And here’s the official trailer for the game as it stands on January 27th, 2011:

Super Mega Immigration Office 2000

The game

The team

Tools used


Play as a newly arrived immigrant to America as you attempt to obtain all the correct paperwork and pass your way through customs.