Akihabara Tutorials

by Darren Torpey on May 6th, 2010

[aki_tut_toc full_url=”“]

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Bruce Onder July 21, 2010 at 1:21 PM

I’m excited to see new parts of the tutorial! Thanks for putting these together!


Paul Irish September 13, 2010 at 4:45 PM

Dude, these tutorial are a *force*! Incredible work on them. I’ll certainly be pointing to them in the future.
Fine work Darren and Darius.


Justin March 3, 2011 at 3:21 AM

First off, let me just say thanks to the documentation! In the past month or so I been diving into JavaScript (played with also C++, PHP, Python, and a couple others) programming and the use of HTML5 to create games. However, I stumbled upon this and does EXACTLY and I do mean EXACTLY what I been wanting to do concerning making retro games. I’m mostly a pixel artist (done a lot of retro 8-bit work), and any workload like this to make things more comfortable as a game developer really helps a lot! I’ve actually used a couple game engines but mostly curious about making my own types of engines, I will say seeking to improve upon this library will be an awesome experience (when experienced in the language of course… :P).

I do have a question concerning the fonts though, seeing as I might end up using them for the retro feel. Are they proprietary? I don’t want to get sued for using a font, so making my own isn’t really a problem for me. Though the bonus of using a universal one for my future retro games would be really nice, as I see it to be kind of silly to “reinvent”‘ them.

I also noticed you guys put a “networking would be nice” as a note somewhere in your documentation. Might I suggest looking into node.js (server sided) and WebSockets? It would be really interesting to get this to be a possible networking game library in the distant future. I just hope its popularity won’t ever result in a “sell out” like a couple HTML5 engines have gone (the one bought by Zynga?). If that ever be the case, I would love to take the library and fork it as a new project (would this be even possible in such a scenario?). So far, this happens to be one of the few stable and well written libraries out there that is designed for my specific use (that I know of, and is open / free).

Anyway, awesome stuff. I’m going to read these tutorials.


Jaydeep September 23, 2011 at 11:55 AM

hey I am starting with your tutorials tomorrow.
Hope they prove to be great.

I want to develop some good game for Android and iOS



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