Akihabara Tutorial, Part 5: Enemy AI

by Darius Kazemi on July 28th, 2010

This is the fifth tutorial in a multi-part tutorial series where we will teach you how to make an 8-way shooter in HTML5 and JavaScript using the Akihabara framework. Akihabara is a set of Javascript libraries that take advantage of some of HTML5’s unique features to facilitate game creation. One of the best things about writing a game in HTML5 is that it will run in any browser that supports HTML5 on any platform. This includes Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and WebKit browsers on iPhone/iPad, WebOS devices, and other mobile platforms.

In this tutorial, we will add a simple type of enemy to our game that chases the player around the map. To do this we’re going to use something called A* pathfinding (pronounced “ey star”), and we’re going to add some code to make the pathfinding more efficient.

You may wish to start with our final code from Part 4.5 of the tutorial. And please be sure that you’re using Akihabara v1.2.1!

The final product

When we’re done we’re going to have a program that looks like this. As you move your player sprite around the map, the enemies follow you.

A tip to help you follow along

This tutorial is quite a bit more complicated than past ones, and involves a lot of code to include in your game as you follow along. Because of this, we wanted to point out a feature of this blog to help you along. When you hover over a mono-space-formatted code box in this and all other parts of the tutorial you’ll see small icons on the top-right corner of the box. The first one allows you to see all the code in a new window, without any formatting. The second is even more useful: it directly copies the code to your clipboard!

This makes it very easy to include the example code verbatim. Just remember to be sure you understand the code before you move along in order to get the most out of this tutorial.

Adding the enemy sprite

The first thing we need to do is add a sprite for the enemies. Download enemy_sprite.png and add it to same directory as your index.html. Now we modify the loadResources function to load our image and create tiles from it, just as we have with every other image in our game. The first thing we do is add a new gbox.addImage call, which loads our image file and assigns it an ID of ‘enemy_sprite’:

gbox.addImage(‘font’, ‘font.png’);
gbox.addImage(‘logo’, ‘logo.png’);
gbox.addImage(‘player_sprite’, ‘player_sprite.png’);
gbox.addImage(‘map_spritesheet’, ‘map_pieces.png’);
gbox.addImage(‘enemy_sprite’, ‘enemy_sprite.png’); // New for Part 5

Next we create a new gbox.addTiles call, which in this case creates a single 16×16 tile out of the image and assigns it the ID ‘enemy_tiles’:

gbox.addTiles({ // New for Part 5, adding the enemy sprite
id: ‘enemy_tiles’,
image: ‘enemy_sprite’,
tileh: 16,
tilew: 16,
tilerow: 1,
gapx: 0,
gapy: 0

And finally, let’s create a rendering group for our Enemy object. At the beginning of our main function, we need to add a new group called ‘enemy’ to the gbox.setGroups call:

function main() {
gbox.setGroups([‘background’, ‘player’, ‘enemy’, ‘game’]); // New ‘enemy’ group for part 5

Now we’re ready to move into pathfinding!

A little bit about A*

You might not believe it, but one of the harder things to get an enemy to do in a video game is to navigate around walls to get to a target. The A* search algorithm is an extremely common solution for what’s referred to as “pathfinding” — finding the optimal route between two points while avoiding obstacles.

We’re not going to go into the technical specifics of how A* works, but generally speaking it keeps a list of what it thinks the best paths to the target are, ordered from best to worst. It traverses what it thinks the best path to the target is, but if at any point it looks like the cost for the current path is getting too high, it ditches its path and moves on to the next best one.

The important thing to remember is that each time we run an A* algorithm, it traverses the maze many times in order to figure out the best path. This means that A* is pretty computationally intensive!

Our particular A*

For our game we’re going to use some Javascript A* code provided by the blog 46 Dogs. The original post containing and explaining the code is available here. Download the A* Javascript file from our server (right click, save as) and place it in the root of your project directory.

The first thing we need to do is include the A* script in our game. We do this by going to the very top of our index.html file and inserting a new <script> tag right after the initial Akihabara includes:

[html]<script type="text/javascript" src="a_star.js"></script>[/html]

The way we call our new A* algorithm looks like this:

[js]nodes = a_star(start, destination, board, rows, columns);[/js]

Our function is called a_star, and it takes 5 arguments as inputs. The board argument is an array of 1’s and 0’s, where a 1 indicates a solid tile and a 0 indicates a tile that can be passed through. The start value is your starting tile for the path, formatted as a 2 by 1 array [x, y]. The destination argument is the target [x, y] for the path. Finally, rows and columns are the number of rows and columns in the board array.

What the A* function returns is an array of node objects. The set of nodes returned describe the optimum path from start to destination. Each node has a bunch of properties, but the most important ones are x and y, which are the coordinates on the board array of the node. So if we wanted to know the x coordinate of the 3rd node in the path, we’d read nodes[3].x, which would return that value as an integer.

Setting up for A*

If we’re going to use the a_star function, we’re going to need to create an array of 1’s and 0’s for its board argument. Let’s create a global variable called pathMap which will hold that array. At the top of your index.html, after the other global variable declarations, add a new one for pathMap:

var maingame;
var map;
var frameCount = 0;
var pathMap; // New for Part 5

Next we need to populate pathMap. We do this near the end of the main function, right after we call help.finalizeTilemap:

map = help.finalizeTilemap(map);

// New for Part 5, we create a 40×30 array to match our 40×30 tiles in the map.
pathMap = new Array(40);
for (i = 0; i < pathMap.length; i++)
pathMap [i] = new Array(30);
// For each element in the array, check and see if the corresponding tile is solid using our map’s tileIsSolid function.
// The function will return 1 if the tile is solid, and 0 if it’s empty space. We copy map(i,j) to pathMap(j,i) since there’s something
// inverted in the A* pathfinding function and the present authors are too lazy to fix it. What we’re creating is an array
// of 0’s and 1’s where each array element represent one tile and whether it’s solid. This is what the pathfinding algorithm
// will use as its version of the level map.
for(i = 0; i < map.map.length; i++)
for(j = 0; j < map.map[0].length; j++)
pathMap[j][i] = map.tileIsSolid(map, map.map[i][j]);

The first thing we do is create an empty 40×30 array. Our tilemap itself is 40 tiles wide by 30 tiles high, so this means that pathMap will be able to store one array element for each tile in the map. In Javascript, if we want to create a two-dimensional array with R rows and C columns, we declare a one-dimensional array of length R, then we go through each element in that array and create a one-dimensional array of length C. It’s an array of arrays.

The next thing we do is go through each element in the map array and figure out if its corresponding tile is solid. Fortunately we already have a map.tileIsSolid function that we’ve defined, which returns a 1 if a tile is solid and a 0 if a tile is not solid. So for each element of the map array and evaluate it using map.tileIsSolid, assigning the returned 0 or 1 to pathMap. Note that we had to copy map[i,j] to pathMap[j,i] — the map array is addressed (row, column) whereas a_star wants things in a (column, row) format.

Now that we’re all set up to use A*, we should define our enemy object.

Creating the enemy

We’re going to create an addEnemy function, which will be similar to our addPlayer function in that it encapsulates a single gbox.addObject call. However, unlike our Player object, we’re going to want to add multiple instances of the enemy object on the map. In order to make this easier on ourselves, we’ll provide three arguments to addEnemy: xx, yy, and enemy_id. The xx and yy arguments are the starting x and y position of the object. The enemy_id position is going to be concatenated to the Enemy object’s ID. This will prevent us from having the same ID for each object and will allow us to do things like search for a particular enemy and do something to it.

The first part of our addEnemy function looks like this:

function addEnemy(xx, yy, enemy_id) {
id: ‘enemy_id’ + enemy_id, // id refers to the specific object, here we concatenate a unique id so enemy 2 would be ‘enemy_id2’
group: ‘enemy’, // The rendering group
tileset: ‘enemy_tiles’, // tileset is where the graphics come from
colh: gbox.getTiles(‘enemy_tiles’).tileh,
speed: 2, // needs to be a power of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16)

We include the arguments in the function header, and then call gbox..addObject as usual. Our id value is set to ‘enemy_id’ concatenated with the enemy_id value we passed in. (Even though we’ll be passing in an integer as enemy_id, Javascript is smart enough to automatically convert enemy_id to a string before it concatenates.)

We set our rendering group and tileset, as well as our collision box height (for details on colh see Tutorial 3). Finally we define the speed of our enemy, which we’re setting to 2 for now.

The enemy initialize(), first(), and blit() functions

To briefly review, all objects in Akihabara have three core functions: initialize, first, and blit. The initialize function runs once, when an object is created, and is where all the initialization code typically goes. The first function runs every frame and is where all the calculations that don’t have to do with rendering happen. And finally the blit function is what puts the pixels on the screen, where the drawing code goes. Here are the core functions for our Enemy object:

initialize: function() {
// First we initialize this like any other topview object.
toys.topview.initialize(this, {});

// Set the starting position of the object to the x/y coordinates that we passed in.
this.x = xx;
this.y = yy;

first: function() {
this.obj = gbox.getObject(‘player’,’player_id’);
this.nodes = a_star([Math.floor(this.x/16), Math.floor(this.y/16)], [Math.floor(this.obj.x/16), Math.floor(this.obj.y/16)], pathMap, 40, 30);
this.waypoint = [16*this.nodes[1].x, 16*this.nodes[1].y]; // multiply by 16 to get the true pixel coord of each pair<br />
// Move toward our new waypoint
if (this.x < this.waypoint[0]) this.x += this.speed;
if (this.x > this.waypoint[0]) this.x -= this.speed;
if (this.y < this.waypoint[1]) this.y += this.speed;
if (this.y > this.waypoint[1]) this.y -= this.speed;

blit: function() {
gbox.blitTile(gbox.getBufferContext(), {
tileset: this.tileset,
tile: this.frame,
dx: this.x,
dy: this.y,
fliph: this.fliph,
flipv: this.flipv,
camera: this.camera,
alpha: 1.0

The initialize function is simple enough. The first thing we do is run toys.topview.initialize, just like any other topview object. This gives the object a bunch of basic properties and functions. Then we set the starting position of the object to the xx and yy coordinates that we passed in.

Our first function is where the pathfinding magic happens. We call the gbox.getObject function, which will take a group and an id and return the particular instance of an object that matches the two. In this case we’re telling it to look for an object in the ‘player‘ group with an id of ‘player_id’, which is our game’s instance of our Player object. We set the Player object to a temporary variable called obj. This temporary variable now has all the properties of the player, so obj.x would give us the player’s x coordinate, etc. This will be our target for the pathfinding.

Next we run a_star and set its output to a variable called nodes. The first argument we pass to a_star needs to be the x and y coordinates of the start of the path, in the form [x, y]. We pass it the x and y coordinates of the enemy object, this.x and this.y. But we divide by 16 and round down using Javascript’s Math.floor function, because it’s expecting to know which tile it’s on, not the exact pixel. Dividing by 16 and rounding down transforms a pixel to its tile number (if we’re on pixel (17,17) that means we’re on tile (1,1), and so on). The second argument is the destination of the path, which is the same, except that we use obj (our player target) instead of this. For the third argument, we send it the pathMap that we defined back in our main function. And finally we send it the number of x and y tiles to expect, 40 and 30, respectively.

As explained above, the output of the function is an array of node objects, which we set to a variable called nodes.

With this done, we can now set a waypoint for the enemy to move to. We set our waypoint like so:

[js]this.waypoint = [16*this.nodes[1].x, 16*this.nodes[1].y];[/js]

First of all, we’re looking at nodes[1], not nodes[0]. This is because nodes[0] is the Enemy object’s current position, so we actually want to use nodes[1], which is the next nearest position in the path. We also multiply the x and y values by 16 — this is to translate the pathMap coordinates back to absolute pixels on the screen.

And to wrap up the first function we have some simple code that moves us toward our waypoint. If our Enemy object is to the left of the waypoint, we move the the right, and vice versa. Same goes for the up and down directions.

And finally the blit function is the same standard drawing code we use for our Player object, making a basic blitTile call (see Tutorial 2 for more details on blitTile).

Adding the enemies to the map

Last but not least we need to add the enemies to the map itself. In our main function, inside our maingame.initializeGame definition, we need to call our new addEnemy function, right after we place down the Player and the Map objects.

[js] maingame.initializeGame = function() {
// Create the ‘player’ (see tutorial Part 2 for a detailed explanation)

// Create the ‘map’ (see tutorial Part 3 for a detailed explanation)

// Create the enemies for Part 5. We’re passing in x coord, y coord, and a unique ID for the enemy.
// The reason we write 16*8 instead of 128 is it helps us remember it’s 8 tiles in length.

In this case we’re creating three enemy objects and putting them in three different locations on the map.

Testing performance

Let’s see how well this thing runs. Open your index.html in a compatible web browser. You’ll notice that the enemies do track you down, but the performance is terrible. It depends on your particular computer, but on our (very fast) laptop, the game sometimes dips to about 1 frame per second. Also, when an enemy reaches you, the game crashes, but we’ll fix that later! For now we just want you to notice how poorly the program runs.

You can see the performance for yourself here. Pretty bad, huh?

Fixing our performance problem

There are a number of ways that we can go about solving the realtime A* performance issue, but one of the most common ways is to set up a waypoint system. We’ve already begun treating the 1st nontrivial node returned by the A* function as a simple waypoint, so why not continue down this path (pun not intended)?

What we’re going to do is change our enemy code so it finds the path to its target when it’s created. It’s going to travel to the first 4 waypoints in its list, at which point it will recalculate the A*. This means that the A* is only going to be recalculated once every few seconds, as opposed to 30 times a second in the above example.

The first step is to modify our initialize function so we create our waypoint counter, set a maximum number of waypoints to travel to before we recalculate, and then grab our initial A* path.

[js] initialize: function() {
// First we initialize this like any other topview object.
toys.topview.initialize(this, {});

// Set the starting position of the object to the x/y coordinates that we passed in.
this.x = xx;
this.y = yy;

// Set the initial waypoint count to 0, our max to 5
this.waypointCount = 0;
this.waypointMax = 5;

// Calculate our initial A* path to the player. We grab the player object and then run the A* function to
// populate this.nodes with a set of nodes comprising the path, setting our waypoint to the 2nd x/y pair in the path.
// The first x/y pair, at this.nodes[0], is our current node, which isn’t a valid waypoint for us.
this.obj = gbox.getObject(‘player’,’player_id’);
this.nodes = a_star([Math.floor(this.x/16), Math.floor(this.y/16)], [Math.floor(this.obj.x/16), Math.floor(this.obj.y/16)], pathMap, 40, 30);
this.waypoint = [16*this.nodes[1].x, 16*this.nodes[1].y];

The first three lines of the function are the same, but then we add the waypoint variables and calculate our initial A*. The code for the initial A* is the same code we were running in our previous first function; that part hasn’t changed.

Our new first function is going to be somewhat difficult to understand, so please read through the following code and comments first, then follow along with the rest of the tutorial:

first: function() {
// If we’ve reached the next waypoint…
if (this.x == this.waypoint[0] && this.y == this.waypoint[1]) {
// …and if we haven’t gone through enough waypoints to recalculate the path yet…
if (this.waypointCount < this.waypointMax) {
// …then increase the waypoint count and set this.waypoint to the next waypoint.

// If the number of nodes in our path is less than or equal to our current waypoint count (i.e., we’re
// going to try and move 3 more nodes when there’s only 2 left)
if (this.nodes.length <= this.waypointCount) {
// then re-run our A*
this.nodes = a_star([Math.floor(this.x/16), Math.floor(this.y/16)], [Math.floor(this.obj.x/16), Math.floor(this.obj.y/16)], pathMap, 40, 30);
// if it turns out we’re AT our destination, just stay in our current location
if (this.nodes.length == 1)
this.waypointCount = 0;
else // otherwise, start moving to the next location
this.waypointCount = 1;

// Set this.waypoint to the next waypoint that we determined above
this.waypoint = [16 * this.nodes[this.waypointCount].x, 16 * this.nodes[this.waypointCount].y];

} else { // if we’ve reached the next waypoint and we’ve gone through enough waypoints that we need to recalculate…
// reset our waypoint counter
// If it turns out we’re AT our destination, just stay in our current location…
if (this.nodes.length == 1)
this.waypointCount = 0;
else // …otherwise, start moving to the next location.
this.waypointCount = 1;

// grab the player object and calculate our A* path to the player, and set the next waypoint
this.obj = gbox.getObject(‘player’,’player_id’);
this.nodes = a_star([Math.floor(this.x/16), Math.floor(this.y/16)], [Math.floor(this.obj.x/16), Math.floor(this.obj.y/16)], pathMap, 40, 30);
this.waypoint = [16*this.nodes[this.waypointCount].x, 16*this.nodes[this.waypointCount].y];

// Move toward our new waypoint
if (this.x < this.waypoint[0]) this.x += this.speed;
if (this.x > this.waypoint[0]) this.x -= this.speed;
if (this.y < this.waypoint[1]) this.y += this.speed;
if (this.y > this.waypoint[1]) this.y -= this.speed;

Essentially we’re testing to see if we’ve reached the next waypoint in our nodes list. If we haven’t, then we just move toward our next waypoint using the same waypoint moving code we used previously.

If we have reached the next waypoint, and it’s not the 4th waypoint in our list, then we increment our waypoint counter and update this.waypoint, the variable that holds our current waypoint we’re heading towards. If it is the 4th waypoint in our list, then reset the waypoint counter and re-run our A*.

There’s also some code in there that takes care of edge cases: when we have less than 4 nodes in our list, then we recalculate A* (otherwise we’ll attempt to access a 4th node that isn’t there). When we are at our target, we stay in place.

When you wish upon A*…

What you end up with should look something like this. The enemies will chase you around, but if you run circles around them it takes them a moment to reorient themselves to your position. The program also runs at a much smoother framerate now!

[aki_tut_toc full_url=”“]

{ 29 comments… read them below or add one }

Matt July 28, 2010 at 1:36 PM

Thanks a ton for these tutorials! I’m really interested in Akihabara and it looks really neat to play around with. Much appreciated. =D


Owen R August 1, 2010 at 10:47 PM

I’ve clicked the link but it shows bugs in Firebug. Haven’t seen this working so far.


Darren Torpey August 2, 2010 at 11:23 AM

I fixed the problem earlier this morning. Try it again.


Owen R August 3, 2010 at 1:01 PM

Still throws error of ‘this.nodes[this.waypointCount] is undefined
Line 245′. I’m seeing this alot in my testing of A* too and am trying to figure out what is causing it.

I’m getting it when I have them chase me and one is far away when one of them lands on me. Can reproduce every time.


Darius Kazemi August 3, 2010 at 2:02 PM

Thanks, I can repro that. I’ll see about fixing it.


Darius Kazemi August 3, 2010 at 2:17 PM

I think I fixed it. Try going to the same URL and reproducing the bug.

It looks like I needed to replace a stray

waypointCounter = 1


if (this.nodes.length == 1)
this.waypointCount = 0;
this.waypointCount = 1;

There’s a degenerate case when an enemy is on top of you and it’s recalculating the waypoints where it’ll attempt to read nodes[1] when nodes only has one element at nodes[0]. This (admittedly hacky) code takes care of it.


Owen R August 3, 2010 at 4:08 PM

Looks good. Seems like that fixed it. By the way, thanks for the ehads up about A*. Am looking into implementing it right now.


Owen R August 3, 2010 at 1:12 PM

By the way, as a personal touch, if you are looking to get your sprite be directional, I’d also suggest looking to the toys.wander function and modifying the movement code to me more like the following:

if (this.x this.waypoint[0]){
if (this.y this.waypoint[1]){

You probably don’t need all that but you never know what you will be doing with your enemy class


Darius Kazemi August 3, 2010 at 2:20 PM

Yeah, we could use the various embedded facing states, but the problem is this will eventually be an 8-directional game and the embedded states are 4-directional.


Owen R August 3, 2010 at 3:59 PM

You can always add directions by expanding out the libraries functionality. The hard part is just making it consistent across the board.


Owen R August 3, 2010 at 4:19 PM

Y’know, the more I think about it, the more the framework needs to be 8-directional to support isometric games and such. would be a great way to contribute. Each characters doesn’t HAVE to support all directions but it would be nice to have the options if the tiles are present and associated with a direction.


Owen R August 3, 2010 at 1:13 PM

Ooops… not all the code stayed on that last post… but you get the idea.


Owen R August 5, 2010 at 11:56 AM

Ok have been trying to implement this for a few days now and have worked out most of my bugs. Have a multilayered map which complicates things and I separate out most objects.

My main issue is that the toys.topview.tileCollision keeps resetting the x/y values to ZERO upon tile collision with a ‘solid’. How did you guys get around that?


Darius Kazemi August 5, 2010 at 11:59 AM

That’s really weird. We didn’t do anything special. Is your game online somewhere that I could look at the source?


Owen R August 5, 2010 at 12:26 PM

Also I have to admit… the hack job I had to do to get the code to work is embarassing until I can get it to be a bit more OOP (yeah you know me). I modified Kesiev’s original map structure to create a dual layered map (one layer for the background and another for an ‘overlay’ for objects). I also have separate classes for player and do alot of loading of resources from the backend in prep for websockets implementation.

The only thing though is I can’t understand why after doing a tileCollision, it doesn’t autocorrect. The tilecollision code where it is resetting the movement is simple:

if (th.touchedup) {
if (th.toucheddown) {
if (th.touchedleft) {
if (th.touchedright) {

And this is called prior to the nodes and waypoint so if a tilecollision DOES occur, nodes and waypoints should override and reset the direction.

Maybe I should take a look at that PixelToTile function…


Darius Kazemi August 5, 2010 at 12:29 PM

Yeah, it’s strange, but I’d really need to take a look at your code in a debugger to really get a sense of what’s going on.


Owen R August 5, 2010 at 12:38 PM

Oh DUH! *smacks self*

It’s that when they get a tileCollision, they continue to try to LOOP THROUGH THAT same first node that causes the collision!! They aren’t dropping the node and continuing on to the next. Did I miss something or leave something out?


Darius Kazemi August 5, 2010 at 1:05 PM

Seems feasible!


Owen R August 5, 2010 at 2:48 PM

Still working on the problem. One wierd anomaly that I have noticed is that when enemies overlap, they ‘combine’ (http://minimorpg.blogspot.com/2010/08/supersheep.html).

Wondering whether this is something we should bring up with Kesiev.


Darius Kazemi August 5, 2010 at 2:57 PM

No, it’s not really an issue with Akihabara. The issue is that with our pathfinding implementation, once enemies end up at the same coordinates, their behavior is deterministic, so they’ll all follow the same path at the same speed from the same location. Therefore they’ll appear to combine, when really they’re just all on top of each other doing the exact same thing.

You can always consider other enemies to be obstacles on the A* path. To do this I believe you’d just update your pathMap array at every waypoint update, putting a “1” where any enemy is. (You could update every frame as well, but again, could affect performance.)


Owen R August 6, 2010 at 10:46 AM

Think I have a simple solution. When creating enemies, populate map with an array called ‘enemies’ that contains array of all enemy id’s on map (I can do this easily as I populate the data from the backend and read it all in at once). Then in first function, do a while loop through list of enemies doing a collision check on them (similar to toys.topview.collides(this,pl)). If collision, reset speed for that turn to speed-1. Stay in while loop until no collision occurs. Naturally, you will have to create your own collsion detector for this as you would need to change speed every time through loop.

This way a collision will be avoided until enemy in front speeds ahead.

Have to think of it like a traffic jam with traffic moving in all directions. :)



Darius Kazemi August 6, 2010 at 10:58 AM

Not gonna work. If you set speed = speed-1 on collision, but you stay in the while loop until no collision occurs, you’re going to be stuck in that while loop forever and the game will freeze. (This is because simply setting speed to a different value won’t cause the collision to not occur.)

Freezing code aside, there’s also the fact that if two enemies collide, they’re BOTH going to slow down, because they’re both going “Oh, I’m colliding with an enemy! I should slow down and wait for the other guy.” So there’s the chance that they’d just both come to a stop while on top of each other.

If you want one guy to stop and one guy to keep going, make a flag on each enemy called “isStopping”. In the enemy code, when you collide with another enemy, check to see if your own isStopping is false. If it’s false, set the other enemy’s isStopping to true. Otherwise do nothing. Then have code in step that checks once per frame whether your own “isStopping” is true. If that’s the case, then set your speed to 0 until X number of frames have passed. After those frames have passed, set your speed back to what it was and set isStopping back to true.

So again: when I collide with you, if you haven’t already told me to stop, then I tell you to stop. Telling you to stop triggers a timer that says “I am stopped for 50 frames” or whatever, at which point you go again.


Owen R August 6, 2010 at 1:57 PM

Hmmm… Well I would say that they would never collide like that but I have seen the way nodes work and it is possible. The thought about just stopping one until other enemy moves was my other thought; I just wanted to have something a bit more smooth.

It would be easy enough to set accx/accy to ‘zero’ while a collision is detected.

I’ll give it a shot and see what I can come up with.


Owen R August 9, 2010 at 2:49 PM

Got a good fix and got it working. Basically, you can put a function called enemyCollision in toys.topview to compare your foe against each other one that has been instantiated:

var isOn = false;
var foes = tilemaps.currentmap.enemies;
for(id in tilemaps.currentmap.enemies){
var foe=gbox.getObject(“foes”,foes[id]);
if(!foe.initialize && this.collides(th,foe)){
return true;
if(this.x>=(foe.x-this.tw/2) && this.x=(foe.y-this.th/2) && this.y<=(foe.y+this.th/2)){
console.log("is on");
return true;
return false;

As you'll notice, my tilemaps is a bit different so try to ignore that and work with it the way you normally would. As previously mentioned, I loaded all the enemy id's for my objects into the tilemap sp I could just loop through them when doing a collision check.

I still have some slightly weird behaviour where I can't figure out whats going on. Could I forward some code on to you guys? Whats an email I could use?

Owen R August 9, 2010 at 2:52 PM

Ooops… sorry. Left in commented experiment prior to using collides.

should just be …

var isOn = false;
var foes = tilemaps.currentmap.enemies;
for(id in tilemaps.currentmap.enemies){
var foe=gbox.getObject(“foes”,foes[id]);
if(!foe.initialize && this.collides(th,foe)){
return true;
return false;

Owen R August 5, 2010 at 1:16 PM

ok solved. Just had to change:

if (this.x == this.waypoint[0] && this.y == this.waypoint[1]) {

to be:

if ((this.x == this.waypoint[0] && this.y == this.waypoint[1]) || this.accx==0 || this.accy==0) {

This is a temporary fix but there still seem to be issues when enemies are overlapping which I’m going to fix by adding an objects map layer. This will make it so you can add tilecollisions to enemys more easily when loading data from a backend. This will also keep enemies separated on the screen so drops don’t overlap and you can always see who you are killing and avoid confusion (“but I just killed him?! why is he still alive and attacking me?”)


Owen R August 5, 2010 at 12:13 PM

Not yet. I’m the one building the MORPG in HTML5 using the Akihabara libs. Don’t really want to show anything until after I get websockets up and running and a live multiplayer environment working.

Plus I have had to modify a bit of the code to make certain modifications so I’m running a slightly modified version of the old codeline (have yet to upgrade due to converting).

It’s ok. I’ll see what I can work out. If you have any ideas as to what may cause that (or how to get around it), toss em my way.


David Carlton October 18, 2010 at 1:11 AM

For what it’s worth, I was a little confused by the non-parallel treatment of some of the code branches, so I decided to get rid of some duplication and treat the branches in a parallel fashion. Here’s what I ended up with for the enemy’s initialize/first, seems to work fine:

initialize: function() {
toys.topview.initialize(this, {});
this.x = xx;
this.y = yy;
this.waypointMax = 5;

resetWaypoints: function() {
var target = gbox.getObject(‘player’, ‘player_id’);
this.nodes = a_star([Math.floor(this.x/16),
pathMap, 40, 30);

if (this.nodes.length == 1) {
this.waypointCount = 0;
} else {
this.waypointCount = 1;

updateWaypoint: function() {
this.waypoint = [16*this.nodes[this.waypointCount].x,

first: function() {
if (this.x == this.waypoint[0] && this.y == this.waypoint[1]) {
if (this.waypointCount > this.waypointMax ||
this.waypointCount >= this.nodes.length) {
if (this.x this.waypoint[0]) { this.x -= this.speed; }
if (this.y this.waypoint[1]) { this.y -= this.speed; }


Dragon Prince February 6, 2011 at 2:47 AM

I jus re wrote the collision detection code inside the addEnemy() function. It prevents enemy collision to some extend(They do overlap). Plus as i am increasing the enemies position the enemy closer to you gets faster so the game gets interesting.
for (var i in gbox._objects[‘enemy’]) {
if ((!gbox._objects[‘enemy’][i].initialize)&&toys.topview.collides(this,gbox._objects[‘enemy’][i])) {
if (this.x < this.waypoint[0]) this.x = this.x + 1;//we can increase +1 value for better results
if (this.y < this.waypoint[1]) this.y = this.y + 1; //we can increase +1 value for better results

By the way gr8 tutorial helped me a lot to kick start Akihabara frameworks.
Thanks a lot :)


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